Rules of Life Research Community
What is Rules of Life?
NSF Definition of Rules of Life:
1.Research Driven by Design and Construction of new Biological devices and systems that do not exist in the Natural World
2.General Principles (rules) that underlie biological phenomena within or across scales of size, complexity (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismal, population) and time.

Seeing the Invisible
Imaging for Rules of Life

Sensing the Invisible
Diagnostics / Sensing

Synthetic Biology
Road-mapping for SynBio
Community Goals
- Bring together researchers from diverse disciplines and facilitate collaboration across network sites
- Facilitate University open-access facilities in this research area
- Innovations in Outreach and Education
- Remote access and training/exposure
Broader & Educational Outreach
- Integrative and Comprehensive Approach
- Expanding REU and RET Programs within Network
- Regional Coordination: iNANO initiatives and Regional Community
- Rules for Life exhibit at Chicago MSI
- Nano-Journalism
- Experiential learning for students
- SHyNE Web Portal, Tech Talks, Webinars, Short courses and Workshops