SHyNE Resource has developed a unique REU program providing facilities‐focused research projects for four undergraduate students (50% from underrepresented minority groups). The REU program is coordinated by the International Institute of Nanotechnology (IIN) and research projects are developed in close collaboration between SHyNE facility staff and Northwestern faculty.
SHyNE Resource is one of the four sites in the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Network (NNCI) RET collaborative program. SHyNE will be offering teachers the opportunity to experience the excitement of nanotechnology research and to share this experience in their classrooms and with their peers.
SHyNE leads efforts to help build more regional connections with both other academic and research institutions as well as professional societies. In addition, our outreach efforts have a broad reach into the Chicago region, supporting K‐12 educational activities with a strong impact on underrepresented groups.
SHyNE Resource has established a novel Nano‐Journalism program. The program began in 2016 and was designed to bring journalism and communication students into the facilities to learn about nanoscience research and effectively communicate this research to K-12 and the general public.
Rules of Life: Research Driven by Design and Construction of new Biological devices and systems that do not exist in the Natural World and the General Principles (rules) that underlie biological phenomena within or across scales of size, complexity (e.g., molecular, cellular, organismal, population) and time.
In support of SHyNE’s mission to serve as a regional hub of cutting-edge nanotechnology, innovation, and education, we have established the SHyNE External Experiment Development (SEED) program to allow members of the nanotechnology and greater scientific communities, who would otherwise not have the financial resources, to use SHyNE facilities to facilitate or obtain preliminary data, proof of concept, and/or prototyping.