Another NSTA is in the books! The NNCI collaborative RET program finished up year 3 at the NSTA Conference in Denver, Colorado on March 20 – 23, 2024. This was the 3rd and final year of the original collaborative grant that brought together Northwestern’s SHyNE Resource & NUANCE Center, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Georgia Tech, and the University of Minnesota RETs and program administrators for collaborative summer learning and research experience.
To celebrate a successful summer, each site sponsors their teachers to attend the spring NSTA conference, where they can attend seminars, professionally network, socialize with their peers, and hang out at the NNCI (National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure) booth, co-hosted with the NNCO (National Nanotechnology Coordinating Office).
Having a booth at the conference is a great way for the NNCI to reach teachers and provide information on the resources available from the NNCI and NNCO on nanotechnology that they can bring to the classroom.
Tom Pennell, Youth Outreach Coordinator, for Cornell’s Nanoscale Science and Technology Center (CNF) also shared the booth. In full cleanroom attire, Tom gave teachers a look inside a virtual cleanroom and how online tools can be used to access and educate these spaces.
The conference was a great way to cap off a successful 3 years of learning, growing, and collaborating with amazing teachers who inspire the next generation of young STEAM leaders. And a special thanks to all the teachers who participated over the last 3 years, and the program managers who worked so hard to make it all go smoothly, for making the NNCI RET Collaborative program a huge success!